Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Albert Einstein enlargement in charcoal, 7th grade
No Water

As Rosana Rosana Dana says,"It's always something."  Life in an art room is tricky with no water.  And it's not like there is a sink in my room anyway.  But without water, things like painting, print making, glue, and charcoals are quite difficult.  But that is Ghana, and life here is always a challenge.  

Ray Charles enlargement, 8th grade
I am soooo proud of how far my students have come.  My 7th and 8th graders finished up portrait enlargements.   This was quite exciting because many of my students doubted their ability to make an enlargement, but they did and did it with flying colors.  The funny part of the story is that most of the people they did were not people they knew about.  I had this student ask me who this guy was.  I replied, "Albert Einstein, scientist and mathematician."  "Who's that?" And a whole new discussion ensued.  The same applied for nearly every person that I had my students enlarging.  Ray Charles, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King Jr. were all unknowns, but Usher, Beyonce, Nelson Mandela, were icons that every student knew. 

6th grade bird mask
This week was a blast with work beginning on the printing press for the junior high students.  Students are busy carving and using negative space.  They are attacking social issues that are meaningful and real to them and are fully engrossed in their work. Stay tuned for pictures illustrating their messages to their community and to you in a subsequent post.  

The 6th grade finished up their masks.  I choreographed an entrance dance for the school assembly and we strutted our stuff showing off our work.  They looked awesome!!!  The student body responded positively with squeals of laughter.  Every Friday is Africa day which means that the teachers are expected to wear African attire.  I have had my own dress made and I made my grand entrance with mask and outfit. 

I really am so proud of what my students have accomplished. These last days will be hard to swallow as I am quite attached to my students.  I have already seen a shift in the way my students are treating me.  They cry and hold my hand and plead with me to stay.  It's quite touching and I'm sure I will fall apart when the end comes.  

Internet has been difficult for me to get lately, so my next post may be when I return to the states.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!  There is sooooooooooooooo much to be grateful for.